Me, the month of December:

As most of you know, Iowa got snow in abundance. This changed our Christmas plans little bit : ) We had our regularly scheduled Christmas celebration with Mike's family last Sunday. Matt and Melissa made it back from San Francisco, so it was a really nice gathering of
all the family (pics on the memory card not currently in my possession, hopefully time to post soon). We planned to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Mandy's family, but the impending storm threatened to change that. We ended up traveling to Denison on the 23rd and just beat the storm. That meant Mommo and Poppo Mahlberg had 8 extra people 24 hours earlier than expected, but we all survived with very little in the way of conflict. Yes, the kids are all still alive and well : P Christmas Eve was suppose to be a big shin-dig with the Mahlbergs, but for the first time in memory, it was postponed due to weather. We celebrated yesterday. It was a nice get together with a wonderful turnout considering the time and weather. Pics to come later. Mike missed that one, he had to work extra early this morning (3:45 anyone?) so he went home to get some much needed quiet time and rest. I got lucky, and my dad had some PTO coming, so Max and I got to stay and extra 1 1/2 days and not worry about transportation home. Yippee!
Oldest nephew Sheldon got a Nintendo DS for Xmas, and Mike just had to try it out. Max and Shel enjoyed watching him conquer....whatever.

Our Xmas Elf

Shel gave us some stained glass art. What a sweet kid he is!

Max opening one of his most favorite gifts, a Magna Doodle from Mommo and Poppo.

And now naptime is close to being over, so I'm going to have to come back another time. Perhaps I'll get a spare moment to prepare something for you to enjoy later this week before it's time to leave my current internet access (thanks Mom and Dad!).
I hope you all had a safe an happy holiday. I look forward to hearing/reading about it!