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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

April 30, 2009

Party Time!

So, this party happened last Saturday, the day before my little boy turned 1. It was a good turnout for the brutal cold snap we were experiencing. Note to self: five space heaters + 1 fireplace do not a shelter house heat (in 4 hours time anyway).

To start the day, Max got his first haircut. He didn't pitch a fit, so I will consider this a success:

Then it was PART-AY TIME! (notice Max was all about the kisses that day!)

Some of the peeps:

Some of the gifts:

The Cake:

He was being "Mr. Clean" so Poppo stepped in to help...

Did it help? A little : )

I guess we should have had Kolten demonstrate first!!
All partied out. The End.

April 26, 2009

A Year Long Journey

Happy Birthday Max!

Our dear Maxwell,

Today you are one year old. How has so much time passed? How did you get to be such an amazing little boy? Where has our baby gone?

This past year has been wonderful. You have come so very far from the preemie we took home from the NICU. You have spoiled Daddy and Mommy unbelievably. You gave up your own pacifier when you were 4 months old. You decided on your own that you would rather be layed down to bed and fall asleep than be rocked to sleep. You are currently showing less and less interest in your bottle. Shots don't hardly bother you. In fact, unless you're tired, not much bothers you at all. There are exceptions to that of course, no one is perfect : D

While it's still "fresh" in our memory, here is your birth story:

Mommy traveled to Denison with Aunt Jill for her first baby shower. They left after work on Friday night (4/25/08), and arrived in Denison a little before 8 o'clock. We got all our stuff inside, and while Mommy was waiting to use the bathroom she felt a rush of fluid. At first she felt embarrased thinking that she had her first experience with losing bladder control! But she soon realized that this was not the case. Her water had broken!

Mommy called her doctor to let them know what was going on, and then Aunt Jill took Mommy to the Crawford County Memorial Hospital to be evaluated. It was around 9 o'clock when they confirmed that yes indeed, Mommy's waters had broken. They quick hooked her up to fetal monitoring to make sure you were okay, and checked to see how far dialated she was. We had 2 centimeters. Mommy was given a couple doses of antibiotics and magnesium to try to slow or stop the labor. Then, the doctor approved the transfer by ambulance to Des Moines (at first they wanted to send us to Omaha because it was closer, but thanks to the fact that the doctor on call in Denison had been classmates with Mommy's doctor in DSM, we got to go "home" instead!).

We were leaving Denison around 10 o'clock; the ambulance ride was pretty quick, making it from Denison to Des Moines in under 1.5 hours. And that included being pulled over in Carol County! Yep, that's right, our ambulance was pulled over on the way to Des Moines. This would only happen to us : ) Anyway, we got to Des Moines and Daddy met us at the hospital with Gma and Gpa Hanson.

They checked Mommy again and it was determined that labor was progressing instead of stopping, so we were moved to the labor and delivery room. Mommy was going through the regular rigamaroll, and when they check to see how we were doing around 3 a.m., the nurse thought Mommy was fully dialated! So Dr. Johnson was called and the NICU Team arrived, and the nurse was wrong! By this time, Mommy had been awake for, oh, about 27 hours and she was EXAUSTED. So, she asked for an epidural so that she and Daddy could rest. It took a litte doing, becuase Mommy kept throwing up from all the stress, but the epidural was finally complete. Aww, sleep!

After Mommy got a couple hours of rest, Gma Hanson came in to visit with her. Soon after, Mommy's labor started to progress towards the finish line! Yeah! So the doctor was called back to the hospital, and the NICU Team was called back to the room. The normal progression of delivery was proceding. As you came out, at 7:02 a.m. it was discovered that you had managed to wrap your umbilical cord around your neck a couple times. Perhaps that's why you decided you needed to come out 6.5 weeks early.

While not dangerously early by any means, this was all scary for Daddy and Mommy. We spent 18 days in the NICU with you. Watching over you, encouraging you, cuddling you when we were allowed, caring for you when we were allowed, crying with you. Someday you will understand the word stressful, and sweetheart, having your baby in the ICU is about as stressful as parenting gets! All parents have a profound love for their child, but having a baby that has to fight to survive from the first moment, it just turns your world around and you forever look on with a completely different perspective.

Thank you for blessing our lives. We love you.

Mommy and Daddy

**More to come later on his b-day party. Check back, you won't want to miss it!**

April 15, 2009

In 11 Days...

...Max will be 1 year old. Crazy, huh?

Max had his last round of Synagis today. I was once again reminded of how lucky we are, what a great baby we have! Max gets a pretty hefty dose of Synagis becuase of how big he is. Two big shots actually. And you know what? Hardly any crying, and none of it "serious". Not to say it isn't painful, but he handles it so well. His cries start when they poke him, and are done as soon as I can sit him up after they put the bandaids on. Jealous? Yeah, I thought so.

So, 11 days from his first birthday, Max weighed in at 22 lbs 15 oz. Such a long way away from the 4 lbs 14 oz. he started at!

April 14, 2009

What Up, Spring? What took you so long?

Max participated in his first Egg Hunt on Sunday. I can't say he was very interested in participating , but he had fun being outside. Thanks to some generous girls, he ended up with more loot than he actually "found".

Sheldon, Evan and Kolten had a little more individual luck than Max did (yep, Kole was enjoying the "fruit" of his labor).

His first hunt is fairly well documented, don't you think? I think the only way he'd be cuter is if he had bunny ears on himself : P

Max and his loot. Mmm, plastic eggs....

Max got 3 new sets of summer pajama's from Mommo and Poppo, and a cute new sweatshirt from Mike and I.

Jill, Sheldon, Kolten, Max, and myself all paid a visit to Great Grandma Bernie on Sunday.

(clockwise: Gr8-gma with Kole, Ggma with Sheldon, Max-Uncle Red-Kole-Shel-Ggma, Ggma with Max)

Hmm, do you think walking on stilts is in his future?
This is too cute not to share:
Max has spaghetti for the first time last week. He liked the noodles well enough, but he loved the sauce.