So we finally celebrated Elly's birthday a couple weekends back :) We were originally going to celebrate in early March, but my grandmother passed away and her funeral happened to be the day of the planned party.
I planned most of the deets with my girl
Chibiko months ago. Location (an awesome heated pavillion) and food (cake and lemonade anyone?), decorations (cake and flowers/balloons) and activities (slide, tunnel, and coloring). Since the original plan was for early March, and, you know, we live in IOWA, we planned for indoor activities :D Then we have the party in April, and fate shined down on us and gave us an absolutely beautiful day. Sunshine and warmth and(maybe a little too much) wind. So we upgraded our activies to playing at the park and bubble chasing (E got a bubble machine as a gift on her ACTUAL bday). I'd like to think everyone would have had fun with the original plan, but I think we (parents) all appreciated the condition playing outdoors at the park left our kids in! Early bedtime anyone?
So, what you really want here are some pictures, right? Right? Here is a run down of E celebrating her big day a fat 2 months after the fact ; )
Starting her day off annoying the cat....
Doesn't everyone like to read sans clothing?
A daycare buddy had a birthdy party that morning. So here she is having some fun at Monkey Joes!
(she LOVES this place!)
Snuggling with Poppo at the beginning of the party.
She did better than Max on his first birthday, but not by much.
The cupcakes were more of a success :) A huge hit all around (no leftovers!!).
Then she moved on to the gifts.....
Then home for more playtime.
(Hi! Thanks for coming everyone! I had fun playing with you and being smooched on!)
And at last, bedtime. Happy Birthday Party Sweet Girl!
(please excuse the state of disarray I was a long day!)