You are an amazing husband and father. You rock as an uncle, and I think I'm safe in speaking for Chris and Melissa to say a better brother couldn't be found. I know your parents are so proud of you.
Thank you for endeavoring to make me laugh everyday.
Karyn made these completely rockin' "Martian" cupcakes. Lime-Margarita Cupcakes, as a matter of fact. There was even Tequila in the icing!

Mike's always been a Martian at heart; now we know he can resemble one too!
After a game of Malarky, we had a delicious lasagna dinner. My favorite part of lasagna dinners at Chris and Pam's is that Pam makes a separate personal-size lasagna for us to take home! Thanks Pam!
After dinner, Chris and Karyn, Mike and I all went to a IA Chops game (hockey is probably my favorite sport to watch, even though my understanding of it falls short). I'm happy to report, Chops kicked @ss. There was only one fight though, and our guy went down first. Boo!
Once the game was over we headed back to Chris and Karyn's. Mike's parents kept Max overnight so we could celebrate as long as we wanted to w/o having to be up before dawn. I was initiated in the game of Magic, much to Mike's delight. Guess who was the first out? No, not me silly! That's right, birthday boy himself was eliminated by yours truly. I also happened to win the game. I'm thinking this was not entirely on my own merit, but more than beginners luck. I don't think I have to name names on that one ;o)
Karyn made Mike a birthday banner:
Shots of tequila before starting the game.
From the reactions, I think it may have been a little rough!
The next morning Chris spoiled us all. Migas! Talk about starting the day off right :~D
What we ate...............................and what we were listening to!
After breakfast we went to grab the baby. After hanging out with Chris and Pam again, we headed down to supper with Matt, Jill, and their boys. Children, chili, cake, and brownies. A delicious time was had by all. Mike was even able to introduce Sheldon to the solar system rhyme that we wrote (more on that when copyright issues are figured out).
Other random goodness includes this new style being sported by Max. It seems the static from his blankets and hoods and everything else has affected how his hair lays. Yesterday the result was a mohawk. We may just have to try duplicating this again soon. Cute, no?
Last pic of the night, Max and Daddy.
Yea, We pretty much celebrated all weekend long. I hope you enjoyed your annual extravaganza sweetie! I know I did! Love you!
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