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May 13, 2009

All the Mamas & Other Party People

My second Mother's Day. Really great. When originally asked, I said it was great, better than last year....cause, you know, we were in the NICU. But looking back, I think maybe they tie. Last year on Mother's Day the docs finally said those fateful words all NICU parents long to hear, you'll be going home soon. For us, that meant in a couple days.

This Mother's Day brought the chance to be with my family. I got to spend the morning with my mom and sister. I actually got to spend the previous Thursday night with them too, attending the Kenny Chesney concert!!! <-- AWESOME (more on that later, when I can get a copy of the pics). And thus, the matching attire. And, all the boys were well behaved. What more could a mom ask for?
All the Moms with all the grandkids (I can't say all the kids, my bro wasn't there : ) )

Just the girls.

This is how we'd all spent the previous hour ; )

Mommo with all her little boys. Yep, not a girl between us.

My parents and Mike, Max, and myself then proceeded to the park for some recreation.

Max crossing the bridge.
His favorite, the slide. Loves to go up the wrong way.
Down the "right way" is okay.

But this way is better....

and of course, this way is best!
Why is it that when a boy goes to the park, he must always at least contemplate
doing something that he shouldn't???Someday, my little man, but not today.

I hope you all had a Mother's Day worth smiling about : )


  1. Great pictures! How cool that you, your mom and your sister got to go to a concert together. That is such a great idea! I must do something similar next year.

  2. Aren't all those boys great! On my mom's side of the family, we have 7 great-grandsons, and only 1 girl. Holidays are CRAZY!

    We have a very fun park by our house that has equipment for all sizes, we should have a play date soon.


Comments are my brand of heroin. Thanks for the fix!