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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

October 27, 2008

More Birthday Fun

So Melissa's bday starts the busy season for us : ) Next came Riley's 1st bday, and then Max's 1/2 bday this past Sunday. Next is Mom Hanson's bday (& our anniversary), Kolten's bday, Chris' bday, my bday, Evan's bday, Sheldon's bday. There are a couple assorted friends bday's in there too. There are others that follow not too far behind the last one, Jan. 4, but isn't that enough already?!

Max continues to grow and develope. It's amazing to watch him discover and learn to do new things in his world. I can't believe we're lucky enough to be a part of his wonder. His field of accomplishment grows everday, I'll have to have a separate post on that at a later date. Meanwhile, I know you're really checking this for new pictures of the monkey, so as not to dissappoint...
Riley's 1st Birthday Party:

Riley, David, Tina

Riley, David, Max, Mike

Max and Daddy having fun at Riley's party.

Max was really diggin' his half bday. Or it could be that he was just excited to get a visit from Brian and Amanda. Max seemed to think everything A. did was hilarious. I guess that means they should come by more often!

1 comment:

  1. love it when other people think im as funny as i think i am! xo hes adorable!!!


Comments are my brand of heroin. Thanks for the fix!