WARNING: The following contains a little information and many pictures.
Goodness, our little boy is getting so BIG! We had a milestone visit with Doc yesterday. The little monkey has some new stats:
6 Months: 17 lbs 11 oz 27 inches
This is in the 50th percentile for both weight and height. Go Max!
The poor fella also got 6 shots. Big thanks to our favorite nurses Christina and Barb for making the process quick, if not painless. He took them all very well. He is beginning to understand that something bad is going to happen when we start to hold him down. The crying doesn't start until the first prick, but is over almost as soon as the last needle is out. He's still a little fussy today, but I'm chalking that one up to the flu shot part of the process. Hopefully he's feeling more himself soon. I miss my happy little baby already! Am I a horrible mommy for enjoying the extra cuddle time though?
Here's the damage...
Here's the baby despite the damage...
And now some old cuteness to share:
The mobile that Mr. Hanson built for Max.
Max enjoying for the first time the mobile that Mr. Hanson built.
And First Prize in the New Food that Baby Loves contest goest to......CARROTS!
Uncle Chris came to visit.

He taught Mom and Dad to make a really cool, tasty meal. It looks pretty too! There was baked brie, and cherries, and crunchy toasted bread. Mommy forgot about the roasted garlic, but it was good anyway.
All that cooking really wore me out! Good thing Uncle Chris was there to cuddle me and provide a built in drool rag : )

The monkey in his Halloween outfit. Little Monster indeed.

Uncle Red took Max around to meet all the residents of Little Flower Haven (nursing home); I daresay he was the highlight of the week for them!