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August 19, 2009

Oh Muffins

I wanted blueberry muffins this morning. And since Max was up before 6:00 I decided I could have them. Of course that meant making them : P (The only flaw in my plan.) But make them I did; my craving was strong enough to overcome my laziness.

Have I mentioned Max loves blueberry muffins? He does. I sat him down with a warm muffin and was able to get my lunch packed and his toys picked up before he was done. Then it was time to head out the door.

I Declare: I love blueberry muffins, and what they did for my morning today.


  1. Do you make them from scratch or do you use a mix? I skip breakfast in the morning all the time because I'm so lazy!!

  2. Hmm, the only thing made from scratch in our home is Max! Someday I may feel up to the challenge of homemade baking, but for now I leave that in the beyond capable hands of my SIL and MIL.
    Breakfast is a must in our home. No food=crabby people.


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