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Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

August 5, 2010

Jump, Jive, and.....

Those crazy kids can dance! The parents aren't too bad either ; ) This past Saturday was National Dance Day. This is something that is common in our house every weekend, but recording it was a little tricky, and a little embarrassing!


  1. why is it embarrassing??? is it because your husband's a lil on the scrawny side??? You look WONDERFUL after having two babies in two years and you know how to move to the beat which many, yes im gonna say it, white folks havent mastered LOL

    Looking good MAMA and like you're having so much fun! Your life without me looks very full with lots of LOVE!!!

    you're doing wonderfully at rising to the most challenging job in the world - being a woman, wife, partner, and mother of two!


  2. We can dance if we want to
    We can leave your friends behind
    'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance
    Well they're no friends of mine
    I say, we can go where we want to
    A place where they will never find
    And we can act like we come from out of this world
    Leave the real one far behind
    And we can dance



Comments are my brand of heroin. Thanks for the fix!