- You have your two bottom front teeth!
- You love to eat solid food, especially with the teeth : ) You still eat regular baby food because you don't seem to quite fill up enough without it. It's two jars at lunch and dinner, and puffs for breakfast. You also will have rice husks, cheerios and other edibles for snacks in the a.m. and p.m. You are also still nursing like a champ ; )
- We have to sing to you while you're eating supper or it's almost a continual whine between (and during) bites. I totally do not get this.
- You are crawling! You love to go! go! go! (on an adventure...) You also pull yourself up to stand anywhere and everywhere. You are happy to have us hold your hands and walk from object to object too! (nooo!!!)
- You officially wear a size 3 diaper.
- You are still in size 6-9 month clothing, but I think we'd be okay to move you to 12 month clothes...especially sleepers.
- You're napping needs a lot of work! But your bedtime routine is magical : ) 7:30 every night you are ready to start winding down and are ready to be down for the night just after 8. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this!!!!!
- You love to blow raspberries : D
- You are pretty much over the baby toys that your brother loved for so long. If it's not something Max or friends will play with you don't want to have anything to do with it. I cannot tell you how much I wish you were entertained in the activity jumper!
- You are talking more and whining less, although there is still a lot of room for improvement here.
- I think your eye color is pretty permanent : D When you wear denim, they are so dark blue, but when you wear purple they take on this lovely lavender hue. I love it!
- You have really started to imitate those around you! SO entertaining!
We ALL love you SO much!
(hoping this shows off the teethers a bit better!)
Elly moment: I was watching her crawl today. Obviously this has occured before, but I am usually on the floor with her, or watching her from farther away. Today I was standing just a couple feet from her as she was crawling towards me. It just struck me how small she is, (no, not really...she's right on target) or looks at least, as she's doing these big girl activities. I don't remember Max seeming this small as he worked his way up the skillz ladder. It was such a proud/sad moment. And now it's memorialized.
I think it's amazing the things you notice with the second one that you don't recall with the first. I think we must have noticed them then, but there are always new amazing things and we forget. With the second you realize how fleeting each moment is, and better commit it to memory (or so we hope!)
ReplyDeleteGood growing Miss E! You are looking like such a big girl.
The whining while eating thing? Yeah I had two of those. It's like they are so hungry and so tired they just have to whine during the whole dinner. I don't get it either.
ReplyDeleteI love Elly's gorgeous eyes! I agree that she is growing up so fast!