So sorry for the
very long delay in updates. I have been trying to put together a slide show of the pics. Unfortunately, I haven't been very successful. Oh, well. I'll keep working on it and if I can get it to work you'll finally see the fruits of my labor. And, since I can't get it to work, you get more pics than is healthy for one blog post : )
Max's first Xmas celebration was in Denison with Mommy's family the weekend before Chrismas. Everyone was there, Aunt Jill and Uncle Matt with Sheldon, Evan, and Kolten. And Uncle Kevin and Nicole. A full house for sure. The kids were extremely well behaved so everyone had a lot of fun. In no certain order:
Mommy, Daddy, Max (or is that one of Santa's elves?)
Mommo, Poppo, Max (yep, definitely one of Santa's elves!)
Mommo, Poppo, Sheldon, Evan, Max, Kolten (that look is too funny!)
(Minus Max)
Matt, Jill, Kol, Nicole, Sheldon
This little elf sure is excited to be wrapped up for Xmas!
Evan Joseph, are you a present or a lump of coal? Today and always you are a precious gift!
My Shel-bel; sure looks sweet to me!
Kol, what a joy you are!
Max at home, playing with the first Xmas gift he opened.

At that wraps up our first Xmas update. I'll post again soon with the next Xmas celebration with Daddy's family! Thanks again everyone, for making Max's first Xmas special. And thanks for stopping by!