This weekend was probably the least busy we've been since before Christmas...and we weren't even home! Saturday Mike helped our friends move to their new digs. We'll have to visit soon so that I can check it out. While he was slaving away, Max and I visited Matt and Jill and the boys. Today, Sheldon participated in a wrestling tournement. Mommo and Poppo came down to watch, and Mike and I went too. Sheldon did really well, taking third in his weight class. We all had a good time watching the various matches. It's incredible what these little kids can do!
Also, I've spent some time with my blog this weekend and made a few updates. Hope you enjoy the extras!
Here Sheldon is taking the honor he is due:

We are very proud of your accomplishment! Hope you had as much fun as we did : )
Love, Mike and Mimi
Thank You Mike and Mimi, I did have a lot of fun!! I am glad you came to watch me! :) I am glad I got 3rd place. Thank you, Mimi, for playing with us on Saturday too --- that was way fun!! Love you guys!! - Shel